
Showing posts from September, 2018

About The Biafra Wiki

We have been receiving Quite a Lot of Independent Enquiries about how we manage to (Sustainably) Support Ourselves ; since we never (ever) go about asking for Handouts. Financially Supporting Us , via Regular (Weekly) Subscriptions , can now easily be done with Any Credit Card , Any Debit Card ; or Any USA Bank Account - Without Any Fundraisers or Agents , or Middlemen. Simply Select the Most Appropriate Subscription Button (below) ; and Payments will be Deducted Automatically , on a Weekly Basis. Subscribers Can Make Any Number of Subscriptions , Any Number of Times (as far as Different Cards and Bank Accounts are used). Subscribers are also Totally Free to Stop their Subscriptions at Any Time. We would prefer to have just a Few (Dedicated) Lifetime Subscribers , rather than (Many) Thousands of Irregular Ones. OUTER CIRCLE : INNER CIRCLE : PLUS A Public List of Lifetime Subscribers will Be Published on this Page , together with a Direct Link to t