
Showing posts from January, 2019

About Biafra | Wiki News

Biafra | Wiki | Medical Licensure * * * * * * * STATUTORY LICENSING REQUIREMENTS FOR ANNUAL RECURRING LICENSURE AND ANNUAL REGISTRATION FEES ; WITH THE MEDICAL LICENSING COUNCIL (EFFECTIVE 01.01.2019) * An Approved Medical Degree , (Lawfully Obtained from Anywhere in the World) , which is duly recognized by the Medical Licensing Council OR * The RCAM Triple Doctorate Degree ; which is Fully Accredited by the Government of Biafra OR * A Special Medical License , directly issued by the Government of Biafra , which has competently been held for an Aggregate Period of Not Less than 12 Consecutive Months. PLUS AT LEAST ONE OF THE FOLLOWING ADDITIONAL QUALIFICATIONS (WHICH ARE FULLY ACCREDITED BY THE GOVERNMENT OF BIAFRA ) : * An Examination Score of at least 70% (Seventy Percent) in the MLC Entrance Examination (MLCEE). * A Certificate of Completion of Training from the Director of the MLC Telemedicine Programme . * IDPO Specialist Accreditation (F