About Biafra

About Biafra | About Biafraland | About Biafra Free State | About the Republic of Biafra | About Biafra Land

Biafra , the Republic of Biafra or the Biafran Free State are (Officially Recognized) Terms (and Titles) - which all equally refer to the Innate National Identity of the Disputed Territory of Biafraland ; in the Eastern Part of West Africa.

Contrary to (Numerous) Highly Misconstrued Reports , the Grassroots Government of Biafra has always been Peacefully Functioning in one particular form or another , (ab initio) without interregnum ; irrespective of whether Biafra previously Existed as a Separate Sovereign Entity in it's Very Own Right , or Not.

Biafra is therefore still (Very Much) Alive and Well : It is (Most Certainly) Not an Unrecognized (or Failed) Identity (Let Alone a Dead One).

Sincerely , Faithfully and Respectfully ,

The Most Excellent Professor Obi GKB

State Counsellor of Biafraland

Government of Biafra


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Government of Biafra

Govt of Biafra

The Government in Diaspora is (Very) Different from other Biafran Governments , in that we do not have a Codified (Single , Written) Constitution.

Like the United Kingdom , which also has an Uncodified ("Unwritten") Constitution , our Defining Statute is fundamentally based on Precedent and other Pieces (etc).

Thankfully , to Judiciously Prevent a State of Utter Statutory Chaos , we proudly have one of the World's Most Tolerant Bill of Rights.

The Biafran Bill of Rights is currently being expanded , by the Government in Diaspora (of Biafra Land) ; to irrevocably include all of the following Fundamental Rights and Freedoms (inter alia) :

* the right to self determination

* the right to peaceful coexistence

* the right to life, liberty and security

* freedom from slavery

* freedom from torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment

* the right to recognition as a person before the law

* the right not to face discrimination because of racial or ethnic origin, or religion

* the right of women to lawfully choose whether to continue with any of their pregnancies or not

* the right to lawful sexuality

* the right to lawful gender expression

* the right to lawful sexual orientation

* the right to freedom of lawful sexual activities between consenting adults

* freedom from arbitrary arrest, detention or exile

* the right to a fair trial

* the right to appeal

* the right to earn a decent living

* the right to ask to be incarcerated for the protection of the general public and one's self

* the right to ask to be admitted (in hospital) for the protection of the general public and one's self

* the right to lawfully end one's life at a time of one's very own choosing

* the right to practise an appropriate profession

* the right to equal protection of the law

* the right to freedom of movement and residence

* freedom of opinion and expression

* freedom of thought, conscience and religion

* freedom of assembly and association

* the right to participate in government

* the right to property

* the right to social security

* the right to work and equal pay for equal work

* the right to enjoy the best attainable health

* the right to education

* the right to take part in the cultural life of the community

* the right to food and water

* the right to an adequate standard of living, including housing

* the right of peoples to freely dispose of their natural wealth and resources

* the right to ask for further rights

* the right to ask for other freedoms

Unlike many other Biafran (Government) Charters , Biafraland (Gov) Bills and Biafra (Govt) Conventions , the Biafran Bill of Rights is Liberal , Dynamic and Eclectic ; rather than Conservative , Static and Regimented.

Sincerely , Faithfully and Respectfully ,

The Most Excellent Professor Obi GKB

State Counsellor of Biafraland


Biafra Gov

Biafra Govt

Biafra and the Nigerian Constitutional Crisis : State Counsellor of Biafraland - Your Questions Answered (International Fact File).

* * *

Please Be Advised that this is an Exceedingly Brief Summary of Governmental Affairs , Strictly for Purposes of Literary Simplicity.

Effective the 21st Day of September 2017 (when He was Officially Sworn in) , the State Counsellor has since automatically assumed the Official Diplomatic Status of an Internationally Protected Person (IPP) ; as duly outlined by the relevant United Nations (UN) Conventions and Other Appropriate Diplomatic Treaties.

According to the United Nations (UN) , an “Internationally Protected Person” is either :

* A Head of State, including any member of a Collegial Body performing the functions of a Head of State under the constitution of the State concerned ; as well as members of His (or Her) Family who accompany Him (or Her).

* A Head of Government ; as well as members of His (or Her) Family who accompany Him (or Her).

* A Minister for Foreign Affairs, whenever any such person is in a Foreign State ; as well as members of His (or Her) Family who accompany Him (or Her).

* Any Diplomat or Representative or Official of a State , or Any Official or Other Agent of an International Organization of an Intergovernmental Character who , is entitled (pursuant to International Law) to Special Protection from any attack on His (or Her) Person, Freedom or Dignity ; as well as members of His (or Her) Family forming part of His (or Her) Household.

* While The United Nations (UN) globally sets the Criteria for "Internationally Protected Persons" , it is Solely up to the Relevant Governments (Themselves) to decide who Individually Qualifies for the Appropriate Positions which the UN has carefully set out in it's Aforementioned Diplomatic Criteria (Inter Alia).

Additional Information will be Formally Released in due course.

* * *

Incumbent (Since September 2017):

The Most Excellent Professor Obi GKB

Salary :

One Biafran Pound Per Year

Allowances :

The Biafran (Pound) Equivalent of Standard International Per Diem Rates ; as published by the Office of Allowances (of the American Department of State).

Background :

The State Counsellor of the Government in Diaspora (of Biafraland) is the Chief Public Servant of the Government in Diaspora ; and the Top International Diplomat of the (Worldwide) Biafran Race.

The post was created in 2017 by the Biafran Diaspora , to effectively facilitate International Diplomatic Work across all areas of Government.

It is Totally Different from the Role of State Counsellor to the Biafran Diaspora , which was established in 1997 as a Non-Governmental (Qasi-Consular) Role.

Style :

By Convention , the State Counsellor of Biafraland is formally addressed as 'The Most Excellent State Counsellor' rather than 'His (or Her) Excellency , The State Counsellor'.

Remit :

* To Peacefully Apply for Diplomatic Recognition of Biafraland ; as an Independent State under Lawful Occupation.

* To Peacefully Represent the Biafran Diaspora at the United Nations (UN) , the European Union (EU) and All Major Diplomatic Bodies across the World (and Beyond).

* To Peacefully (and Jointly) Negotiate with (both) Nigeria and Cameroon ; on an Ongoing (Harmonious) Level.

* To Peacefully Conduct a Census of All (Non-Terrorist) Biafrans in Diaspora.

* To Internationally Promote Biafrans as a Peaceful (Non-Terrorist) Human Race.

Tenure (Effective 2017 and Beyond):

7 Years (Renewable, Traditionally Limited to a Maximum of 3 Terms)

Appointer :

The Electorate in Diaspora ; via the Independent Peace Commission (of Biafraland).

Constituency (The Electorate in Diaspora):

It is alleged that there may currently be over 30 (Thirty) Million Biafrans in Diaspora (WORLDWIDE).

There are Type 'A' Biafrans (Historically Under Only Nigerian Jurisdiction) who were Dispersed during the Nigerian Civil War and other Events.

There are also Type 'B' Biafrans (Historically Under Only Cameroonian Jurisdiction) who were Dispersed during the (Various) Battles of Bakassi and other Events.

Furthermore , It must be duly noted that there are Type 'C' Biafrans who are Neither Type 'A' or Type 'B'. Most of those in Type 'C' are Honorary Biafrans.

The State Counsellor of Biafraland is not permitted to Discriminate between (either) Type 'A' Biafrans , or Type 'B' Biafrans or Type 'C' Biafrans.

All Biafrans are Treated Equally.

Each Biafran has One (Electoral) Vote.

Executive Body :

Government in Diaspora (of Biafraland)

Legislative Body:

Congress of Senators (Unicameral Assembly)

Judicial Body :

College of Jurists (Arbitration , Adjudication , Review)

Advisory Body:

Independent Peace Commission (made up of Legislators, Jurists , Elders , Observers and Hired Experts).

Resignation From Office :

The Independent Peace Commission supervises the State Counsellor of Biafraland ; and has the Absolute Power to Call for His (or Her) Resignation via Unanimous Vote.

The State Counsellor of Biafraland cannot resign from office without the Unanimous Approval of the Independent Peace Commission.

The State Counsellor of Biafraland is not the President of the Independent Peace Commission ; and has nothing to do with it's Daily Affairs.

Removal From Office :

The Independent Peace Commission supervises the State Counsellor of Biafraland ; and has the Absolute Power to Impeach Him (or Her) via Unanimous Vote.

The State Counsellor of Biafraland is not the President of the Independent Peace Commission ; and has nothing to do with it's Daily Affairs.

Founding Fathers and Founding Mothers (of the Biafran Diaspora) :

Founding Fathers and Founding Mothers (of the Biafran Diaspora) are nominated by the Electorate in Diaspora ; via the Independent Peace Commission (of Biafraland).

Founding Fathers and Founding Mothers (of the Biafran Diaspora) are not Presidents of the Independent Peace Commission ; and have nothing to do with it's Daily Affairs.

The Independent Peace Commission ratifies Founding Fathers and Founding Mothers (of the Biafran Diaspora) ; and also has the Absolute Power to Impeach Them via Unanimous Vote.

Founding Fathers and Founding Mothers (of the Biafran Diaspora) cannot resign from office without the Unanimous Approval of the Independent Peace Commission.

The Independent Peace Commission strictly regulates Founding Fathers (of the Biafran Diaspora) ; and furthermore has the Absolute Power to Call for Their Resignation via Unanimous Vote.

List of State Counsellors of Biafraland :

Only One , So Far.

Professor Doctor Joseph Chikelue Obi - a Highly Controversial Black European Politician of British Birth , Biafran Heritage , Igbo Extraction and African Descent - currently serves as The Most Excellent State Counsellor ; who is the Chief Public Servant of the Government in Diaspora and the Top International Diplomat of the (Worldwide) Biafran Race.

Doctor Obi previously worked as a (Young) Medical Adviser at State House Annex Clinic in Abuja ; around the time of the Equally Controversial Presidency of General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida.

For the Past 20 Years (or so), he has quietly served as State Counsellor to the Biafran Diaspora ; which was established in 1997 as a Non-Governmental (Qasi-Consular) Role.

The Official Linkedin Profile of Prof Obi is currently located at https://www.linkedin.com/in/alternativemedicinedoctor

Founding Father (of the Biafran Diaspora) :

The Most Excellent (Dim) Emeka Odumegwu Ojukwu GKB

National Honours - Knighthoods and Damehoods (The Most Excellent Order of Biafraland):

Grand Knight of Biafraland (GKB)

Grand Dame of Biafraland (GDB)

Distinguished Knight of Biafraland (DKB)

Distinguished Dame of Biafraland (DDB)

Honorary Knight of Biafraland (HKB)

Honorary Dame of Biafraland (HDB)

The Independent Peace Commission supervises all National Honours relating to Biafraland ; and has the Absolute Power to withdraw Any Such Honours via Unanimous Vote.

By Convention , State Counsellors of the Government in Diaspora (of Biafraland) and their Partners (or Spouses) are automatically entitled to use either GKB or GDB.

By Convention , the Heads of State (of the Biafran Diaspora) and their Partners (or Spouses) are automatically entitled to use either GKB or GDB.

By Convention , Founding Fathers and Founding Mothers (of the Biafran Diaspora) and their Partners (or Spouses) are automatically entitled to use either GKB or GDB.

Biafran Heritage Document (BHD):

This is the Unique Official (Photo ID) Document which carries a Biafran Heritage Number or BHN.

It is Valid for a Period of 10 (Ten Years) ; and can also be replaced in event of loss.

In addition to a BHN , Each Biafran Heritage Document also has a Document Verification Code.

Biafran Heritage Number (BHN):

This is the Official File Number which appears on a Biafran Heritage Document.

It Never Changes , throughout Life (or After Death).

Each Biafran has a Unique BHN.

Biafran Heritage Registry (BHR):

This is the Official Genealogical Database of Biafrans in Diaspora ; and their Traceable Ancestors.

Administration :

Government in Diaspora

( www.govt.africa )

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