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As Nnamdi Kanu (Suddenly) Disappears (Under Highly Suspicious Circumstances) in Africa , the Biafra State Counsellor hereby politely asks the DG (Director-General) of Nigeria's Security Services to (Duly) "Shoulder Responsibility" and (Urgently) "Produce Nwannekaenyi" , Dead or Alive.


Clinical Advice

Clinical Advice


" Eminent National Secessionist Figures , who are constantly under 24 Hour (SSS) Surveillance , (like HRH Prince Nnamdi Kanu) , cannot be expected to Simply (Just) Evaporate into Thin Air ; most especially without the (Overt or Covert) Knowledge of Nigeria's (Most Worshipful) Spymaster-General.

Whether Nwannekaenyi (either) Escaped or was Captured is Totally Immaterial : The General Director of the State Security Services must (Appropriately) Shoulder Full Responsibility and Immediately Produce Him - Dead or Alive. "

- The Most Excellent Professor Obi GKB

State Counsellor of Biafraland



Over the past 72 Hours , I have received Thousands of Emails , specifically asking me to Diplomatically Intervene in matters relating to the Scandalous Disappearance of His Royal Highness Prince Nwannekaenyi Nnamdi Kenny Okwu Kanu.

A Substantial Amount of these requests have (amazingly) come from Long-Lost (and Long-Forgotten) Patients (of Mine) in Umuahia (Abia State) ; where I initially worked as a (Cheeky Little) Medical Doctor at the Queen Elizabeth Specialist Hospital (Federal Medical Centre) - prior to moving on to a Clinical Advisory Role in Abuja.

Before I continue , I would like to make it categorically clear that I am not Holding any Personal (or Professional) Legal Brief for either President Buhari or Prince Kanu , or the SSS ; and will never (ever) claim to do so.

My (Independent) Diplomatic Remit , as State Counsellor of Biafraland , is strictly set out as follows :

* To Peacefully Apply for Diplomatic Recognition of Biafraland ; as an Independent State under Lawful Occupation.

* To Peacefully Represent the Biafran Diaspora at the United Nations (UN) , the European Union (EU) and All Major Diplomatic Bodies across the World (and Beyond).

* To Peacefully (and Jointly) Negotiate with (both) Nigeria and Cameroon ; on an Ongoing (Harmonious) Level.

* To Peacefully Conduct a Census of All (Non-Terrorist) Biafrans in Diaspora.

* To Internationally Promote Biafrans as a Peaceful (Non-Terrorist) Human Race.

However , from an Intelligence-Based (National Security) Point of View , it provisionally appears that President Buhari , the Nigerian Police Force and the Nigerian Army Command are probably (All) Partially Right when they Persistently Imply that they do not (accurately) know where Nwannekaenyi (presently) is.

As far as I am aware , it is the Director-General (DG) of the State Security Services (SSS) who would be the Main One to Unequivocally Shoulder such a (Highly Sensitive) Responsibility ; most especially in Extremely Serious Matters of this Particular Happenstance.

I am additionally aware that the aforementioned DG (of the SSS) is Not Always Obliged to inform the Presidency about Everything which He (or She) Comprehensively Knows , Thinks , Approves , Delegates or Does.

In Fact , if I remember correctly from my Early Days as a (Young) Medical Doctor at the State House Annex Clinic in Abuja - Most Presidents (and Ministers) Evangelically used to Claim Not to Know Anything (Whatsoever) about what the Top Boss of the SSS was quietly up to ; most especially what went on (without Names or Records) in the Subterranean Debriefing Rooms at the Massive SSS Headquarters in Abuja (and Elsewhere).

So , if indeed Nnamdi's Bail (Surety) Guarantors , His Attorneys , His Friends , His Comrades and His Close Relatives ALL cannot Find (or Contact) Him , then the Only Other Person who can therefore competently answer Such Questions (about Kanu's Precise Whereabouts) is the General Director of the State Security Services ; or the Director-General of the Department of State Services , as He (or She) is popularly known.

Due to the Recent (Proscription and Terrorism-Related) Court Ruling (which is Rightfully Being Appealed) , the Simplest Way to get a Definitive SSS Response (after Submitting Such a Query) is for All of Those Who Acted as His (Multi-Million Dollar) Bail Sureties to Swiftly Obtain a Federal High Court Order , directly inviting the General Director of the SSS to personally confirm (Under Oath , in front of a Very Senior Judge) , whether Nnamdi Kanu (Dead or Alive) has ever been in the Custody (or Sight or Reach or Access) of the SSS (or Not) , since his Sudden Disappearance on the 14th Day of September 2017.

Apart from that , Those Who Acted as Prince Kanu's (Multi-Million Dollar) Bail Sureties must also petition the National Assembly of Nigeria ; asking it to Urgently Summon the DG (of the SSS) for the purposes of Appropriate Clarification (as per Kanu's Precise Whereabouts).

Furthermore , All Those Who Acted as Nnamdi's (Multi-Million Dollar) Bail Sureties should Truthfully Notify the Relevant Courts that they do not know Anything (Whatsoever) about his Whereabouts to Date ; if indeed they Truly Do Not.

Without Doing these 3 Basic Things (Inter Alia), then there is Very Strong Probability that All of Those who Formally Acted as Nwannekaenyi's (Multi-Million Dollar) Bail Sureties could (Sadly) find themselves in a Rather Perilous (and Utterly Calamitous) Situation.

Eminent National Figures who are constantly under 24 Hour (SSS) Surveillance , (like HRH Prince Nnamdi Kanu) , cannot be expected to Simply (Just) Evaporate into Thin Air ; most especially without the (Overt or Covert) Knowledge of Nigeria's (Most Worshipful) Spymaster-General.

Whether Nwannekaenyi (either) Escaped or was Captured is Totally Immaterial : The General Director of the State Security Services must (Appropriately) Shoulder Full Responsibility and Immediately Produce Him - Dead or Alive.

Whatever the Case , I Sincerely Pray that the whole Nnamdi Kanu Story is Not (Necessarily) Totally Finished (Just) Yet ; most especially when the Highly Charismatic Grandee of a Young Man was said to be on the Verge of Entering into Brotherly Political Negotiations with the Nigerian Government , a Few Weeks (or so) before His (Well-Known) Proscription Debacle began.

Thankfully , the National Assembly of Nigeria already has Enough Statutory Powers to De-Proscribe whatever may have previously been Erroneously Proscribed (or Erroneously Gazetted as Being Banned) elsewhere.

As such , All Biafrans should always continue to quietly go about their Lawful Business and Civil Duties , in a Peaceful (Non-Terrorist) Manner.

Mark My Words : Lots (and Lots) of High Political Drama is (Most Definitely) Still on It's Way.

Sincerely , Faithfully and Respectfully ,

The Most Excellent Professor Obi GKB

State Counsellor of Biafraland

IMPORTANT NOTES : is the Official Website of the Government in Diaspora ; of Biafraland.

Professor Doctor Joseph Chikelue Obi is a Highly Controversial Black European Politician of British Birth , Biafran Heritage , Igbo Extraction , Nigerian Wit , African Descent , Global Outlook , International Renown and Worldwide Reach.

Doctor Obi previously worked as a (Young) Medical Adviser at State House Annex Clinic in Abuja ; during the Equally Controversial Presidency of General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida.

For the Past 20 Years (or so), he has quietly served as State Counsellor to the Biafran Diaspora.

The Official Linkedin Profile of Prof Obi is currently located at

KEYWORDS : Biafra , State Counsellor , Nigeria


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